Event 2

European Local Citizens - ELC

Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) | 101138507

Kalimera, Greece

2nd International Event

In the context of the European Local Citizens project, funded through the CERV-2022-CITIZENS-TOWN NETWORKS OF TOWNS programme - European Local Citizens: The impact of the Maastricht Treaty and European citizenship on local authorities, the Municipality of Kallithea organized the 2nd international event in Greece on 19th April 2024.


The aim of the event was the impact of the Maastricht Treaty and European Citizenship on local authorities and Citizens. The Kallithea authorities gave speeches welcoming the program and its theme through their representatives. In addition, presentations of the students festival of Kallithea, presentations of student councils, representatives of European Citizenship and issues that derive from the European Union Membership. Finally, we had a visit and tour of the Acropolis Museum


We thank the Municipality of Vizela, through its Vice President Agostinha Freitas and the Youth Councillor Nuno Faria and the technical team of the youth department / education of the Municipality of Vizela, for accepting the challenge of joining us in this project so that we can develop it together.



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European Local Citizens
