Green Youth

Climate Change Awareness through Youth to promote a sustainable Europe in beside of Covid19

Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) | 101091275

Our aim

Generate new narratives

At this crucial moment, it is necessary to generate new narratives that reinforce the values of the European Union and that emerge from the cities and citizens that comprise it. In this regard, Green_Youth is a network of cities that will concentrate on engaging the younger population through education and participation, allowing them to explore European strategies in the environmental field, their connection to local communities, and the opportunities that arise for youth to progress.

Explore our


The main objective of the Green_Youth project is to promote debate and reflection among young people about the future of Europe, particularly focusing on the potential solution provided by the European Green Deal to address the crisis. Green_Youth aims to advocate for the participation and involvement of young people, who have been most affected by the economic and social crisis caused by COVID-19 and who are also the generation responsible for shaping the future Europe they want to live in.

Green Youth
